Recent & Upcoming Talks


Is lying morally different from misleading? An empirical investigation (conference talk)


A Causal Proximity Effect in Moral Judgment (invited talk)

A Causal Proximity Effect in Moral Judgment (invited talk)

A Causal Proximity Effect in Moral Judgment (poster presentation)

How to weigh lives. A computational model of moral judgment in multiple-outcome structures (poster presentation)

A Causal Proximity Effect in Moral Judgment (poster presentation)


Moral Reasoning with Multiple Effects: Exploring the scope of a subjective-utilitarian approach (conference talk)

Moral Reasoning with Multiple Effects: Exploring the scope of a subjective-utilitarian approach (conference talk)

Moral Reasoning with Multiple Effects (poster presentation)

Moral Reasoning with Multiple Effects (conference talk)


Moral Reasoning with Multiple Effects (poster presentation)

The Interaction between Causality, Foreseeability, and Outcome Valence in Attributions of Moral Responsibility (poster presentation)

The Influence of Learned Statistical Abnormality on Singular Causation Judgments (poster presentation)

Can a Question be a Lie? An Empirical Investigation (poster presentation)


Functional Norms and Causal Judgment (poster presentation)

Norms and Causation - Current Empirical Findings (invited talk)